Horizon 2020 project information now available on CORDIS

Horizon 2020 projectOver 4000 project factsheets from Horizon 2020 – the first wave of the EU's biggest ever research and innovation framework programme – can now be browsed and searched on CORDIS.

© European Union, 2015

CORDIS is continuing its role as the European Commission's primary public repository, containing over 100 000 EU-funded research projects and results stretching back 25 years and now extending its services to Horizon 2020 projects.

The first Horizon 2020 grants were signed in 2014 and hundreds of new projects are being added every month. CORDIS retrieves its information from the grant agreements, publishing for each project its acronym, costs, topic, funding scheme, objectives, coordinating and participating organisations, including the EC contribution for each beneficiary. Horizon 2020 projects can currently be found through their programme area and topic but further information is planned to be added, including project websites, contact persons and cross-cutting domains. A more thematic approach to information will also be explored.

The publishable reports from Horizon 2020 projects will also be made available on CORDIS in the future, alongside the thousands of Report Summaries currently being submitted by projects funded under FP7, the previous framework programme. The publication of these reports is followed by multilingual Results in Brief for each project and coverage in the free research*eu results magazine – making it easier to identify exploitable results and opportunities for innovation.

Project factsheets on CORDIS also display the Open Access publications and research data collected by OpenAIRE.

CORDIS provides the EU Open Data Portal with popular datasets for all FP4, FP5, FP6, FP7 and now H2020 projects, allowing data consumers to reuse and repurpose machine-readable project information as needed, alongside thousands of other public datasets from the EU institutions. The CORDIS search engine also offers tools to retrieve data in different formats like RSS, PDF, XML, CSV or just regular email notifications, with plans to progressively extend these functions.

CORDIS focuses on research results but if you are interested in participating in an EU-funded project, you can find everything you need on the Participant Portal: funding calls, reference documents, submission of proposals, expert evaluators and project management and reporting. You can also find out more about the current 2014-2020 framework programme on the Horizon 2020 website.

Source: Based on information from CORDIS.


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