anons 29 вересня–2 жовтня 2015 року, м. Дніпропетровськ, Україна
                         Dear friends!
   We welcome graduate students, post-graduates and young scientists under 35 y. o. who work in any of the Forum topics or related fields to take part in YSF-2015 with 15-min oral presentations! 
   Though working languages are English, Ukrainian and Russian, we highly encourage you to make your presentations in English. 
   The plenary sessions of the Forum will include 30-45-min oral talks which would be presented by leading scientists and cover the scope of the Forum.
    There are two types of the Forum materials, ABSTRACT and FORUM PAPER. Authors are requested to submit either 1-3-page abstract OR 4-page forum paper. Please pay attention that only forum papers are eligible for publication in IEEE Xplore while abstracts are going to be published to the Forum Proceedings Disk. Both abstract and forum paper should be prepared using the templates. Each submission will be reviewed by the Technical Program Committee (TPC). After the review the authors will be notified whether their submissions have been accepted. Some of the authors of abstracts can be offered to extend their submissions to the full forum papers and publish their work in IEEE Xplore. Those forum papers that TPC finds ineligible for publication in IEEE Xplore will automatically be considered and published as abstracts.
   Authors will be notified on the status of their submission by July 15th, 2015. The final paper will be required by August 1st, 2015.



Vinnytsya Lutsk Dniepropetrivsk Donetsk Zhytomyr Uzhgorod Zaporizhzhya Ivanofrankivsk Kyivska Kyrovograd Crimea Lugansk Lviv Mykolaiv Odessa Poltava Rivne Sumy Ternopil Kharkiv Kherson Khmelnytsky Cherkasy Chernigiv Chernivtsi


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