Call for proposals 'ERA Chairs Pilot Call 2013'

 The European Commission has published its call for proposals 'ERA Chairs Pilot Call 2013', which is coming under the EU's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7).

The objective of the ERA Chair Initiative is to support universities and other research organisations having a strong research capacity building profile and being located in Convergence and Outermost regions. The call aims to significantly improve their performance in competitive research funding under the direction of an outstanding researcher, the "ERA Chair holder". All research topics covered by FP7 are eligible for funding.

Research organisations interested in establishing an ERA Chair shall submit a proposal aimed at facilitating structural change in the institution, ensuring that the conditions are in place to foster excellent research and contributing to the achievement of the European Research Area. The successful research organisations will publish the job vacancy and select the ERA Chair holder, who should be an outstanding researcher and research manager in the given field of research, with a proven record of effective leadership.

To see the official call announcement, please consult:

Participant portal

To see partnership requests for this call, please consult: CORDIS Partners Service

Remarks: Before contacting the Commission, proposers are strongly advised to consult the original call text.

Інформація з


Vinnytsya Lutsk Dniepropetrivsk Donetsk Zhytomyr Uzhgorod Zaporizhzhya Ivanofrankivsk Kyivska Kyrovograd Crimea Lugansk Lviv Mykolaiv Odessa Poltava Rivne Sumy Ternopil Kharkiv Kherson Khmelnytsky Cherkasy Chernigiv Chernivtsi


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